A Will to Praise

Psalm 150:6 ends with the statement, "Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord." This is an exhortation and command that all living creatures should praise the Lord who gives them breath. While it is important to obey this command and to praise the Lord, we find that those who decide that they will praise the Lord because He is worthy of praise are more successful spiritually.

Psalm 34:1 makes the statement, "I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." The writer is revealing a will to praise God. He is not just praising because it is a command, but he is saying, "I have a will to praise the Lord." He is not limiting his praise to certain times, but he is arming his mind and spirit to be ready to praise the Lord at all times, in the good times and in the bad times.

While the command to praise the Lord can be obeyed by praising the Lord once in a while, Psalm 34:1 reveals the will of a person who wants to be ready to praise the Lord any time and in all situations. This type of thinking reveals a person who understands that we don't praise the Lord because of a command, but because He is worthy of it. The Lord doesn't change, so His worth doesn't change. Those that have a will to praise the Lord will always find that they are victorious in all areas of life because they know the source of their victory, which is the Lord Jesus. Let's have a will to praise the Lord!