God Is Sovereign

We may look around ourselves and the world seeing the things that are being reported in the news and wonder: "Where is God?" Yet the Bible declares that the world belongs to the Lord, that He has established the nations and has determined the times and boundaries of their habitations (Acts 17: 24-26). It goes on to say that the Lord does this so that people will seek the Lord and find him (Acts 17:27).

The Lord lets some things occur so that we will come to our senses and realize that we are not smart enough or resourceful enough, but that we need the Lord. The Lord reaches out to man through creation, through the Bible, through testimonies of those saved, through answers to prayer, and He hopes that man will respond. Yet the Lord allows us to live our lives the way we want if we refuse to seek Him.

Even though the Lord lets every human make their own choices, He is still sovereign and in control. The Lord does have a day appointed for each human being and a day appointed for the judgment of the world. The heavens and the earth are reserved for the day of judgment (2 Peter 3:7).

Let's not faint but understand that the Lord is in control and has appointed times. He knows how to keep the godly and deliver them (2 Peter 2:9). The Lord is sovereign, and His eye is on His people (Deuteronomy 32:10).