Misplaced Affections

Colossians 3:2 says, "Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth." While most modern translations use the word "mind" for affection, the idea is to focus our thinking on heavenly goals, which will ultimately lead to Jesus Christ our Lord.

Many problems we encounter in this life are due to misplaced affections. Our thinking naturally gravitates to those things on which our affections, desires, values, and feelings are focused. Christians often suffer because of misplaced affections. Rather than heavenly desires, we focus on earthly things.

We have the story of Achan in Joshua chapter 7. Joshua told the people everything in the city is accursed except Rahab and what is in her house. They were to not take anything from the city, or else they would become accursed (Joshua 7:16-19). Somehow, when Achan saw the Babylonian garment, silver, and gold, his affection became so focused on what he thought those items would give him that he forgot that if he took those items, he would become accursed.

Achan's affections caused some men of Israel to die and ultimately led to his death and the death of his wife, his children, and all that he had. Achan's affections were so misplaced that what he probably thought would help his family actually destroyed it.

We need to make sure that our affections are on heavenly things and not things of this world. Living for the Lord will help you and your family. Set your affections on the Lord Jesus and His will.